STATBEAN Name: ControlCharts
Control Charts Software Purpose: Calculates various types of statistical control charts for both variables and attributes. In some cases, both a location control chart (such as an X-bar chart) and a dispersion control chart (such as an R chart) are created. In other cases, only a single chart is created (such as a P chart). Allows Statgraphics to function as control charts software.
Name | Type | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
chartMode | String | Method for calculating control limits. | "Initial Study", "Control to Standard", "User Specified Limits" |
"Initial Study" |
chartType | String | Type of control chart to create. | "X-bar and R", "X-bar and S", "X-bar and S-squared", "X and MR(2)", "P", "NP", "C" "U" |
"X-bar and R" |
dataType | String | Format of the input data. | "Observations", "Subgroup Statistics" |
"Observations" |
flagRunsAlternating | boolean | Whether to flag unusual runs alternating beyond the outer warning limits. | true,false | true |
flagRunsAboveAndBelow | boolean | Whether to flag unusual runs above or below the centerline. | true,false | true |
flagRunsBeyondInner | boolean | Whether to flag unusual runs beyond the inner warning limits. | true,false | true |
flagRunsBeyondOuter | boolean | Whether to flag unusual runs beyond the outer warning limits. | true,false | true |
flagRunsUpAndDown | boolean | Whether to flag unusual runs up or down. | true,false | true |
flagRunsWithinInner | boolean | Whether to flag unusual runs within the inner warning limits. | true,false | true |
includeLowerLimitChart1 | boolean | Whether to include a lower control limit. | true,false | true |
includeLowerLimitChart2 | boolean | Whether to include a lower control limit. | true,false | true |
includeUpperLimitChart1 | boolean | Whether to include an upper control limit. | true,false | true |
includeUpperLimitChart2 | boolean | Whether to include an upper control limit. | true,false | true |
innerWarningLimitsMultiple | double | Number of standard errors to place inner warning limits at. | > 0 | 1.0 |
lowerSpecificationLimit | double | Location of lower specification limit, if any. | Any double value. | none |
nominal | double | Location of nominal or target value, if any. | Any double value. | none |
normalizeChart | boolean | Whether to chart Z scores rather than sample statistics. | true,false | false |
outerWarningLimitsMultiple | double | Number of standard errors to place outer warning limits at. | > 0 | 2.0 |
recalculateAtPosition1 | int | Subgroup number to recalculate control limits at if Initial Study. | 0+ | 0 |
recalculateAtPosition2 | int | Subgroup number to recalculate control limits at if Initial Study. | 0+ | 0 |
recalculateAtPosition3 | int | Subgroup number to recalculate control limits at if Initial Study. | 0+ | 0 |
recalculateAtPosition4 | int | Subgroup number to recalculate control limits at if Initial Study. | 0+ | 0 |
sigmaMultiple | double | Number of standard errors to place control limits at. | > 0 | 3.0 |
standardMean | double | Process mean if Control to Standard. | Any double value. | 0.0 |
standardSigma | double | Process standard deviation if Control to Standard. | Any double value > 0. | 1.0 |
subgroupMeanVariableName | String | The name of the column containing group means if Subgroup Statistics. | Any string. | "X" |
subgroupSize | int | Sample size if same for all subgroups. | 1+ | 1 |
subgroupSizeVariableName | String | The name of the column containing group indicators if unequal subgroup sizes. | Any string. | "X" |
subgroupSpreadVariableName | String | The name of the column containing group ranges, standard deviations, or variances if Subgroup Statistics. | Any string. | "X" |
upperSpecificationLimit | double | Location of upper specification limit, if any. | Any double value. | none |
useAverageSubgroupSize | boolean | Whether to calculate control limits using average subgroup size. | true,false | true |
userCenterlineChart1 | double | Centerline for location chart if User Specified Limits. | Any double value. | 0.0 |
userCenterlineChart2 | double | Centerline for dispersion chart if User Specified Limits. | > 0. | 1.0 |
userLCLChart1 | double | Lower control limit for location chart if User Specified Limits. | < centerline. | -1.0 |
userLCLChart2 | double | Lower control limit for dispersion chart if User Specified Limits. | >=0 and < centerline. | 0.0 |
userUCLChart1 | double | Upper control limit for location chart if User Specified Limits. | > centerline. | 1.0 |
userUCLChart2 | double | Upper control limit for dispersion chart if User Specified Limits. | > centerline. | 2.0 |
unusualRunLength | int | The run size to be flagged on runs up or down and runs above or below. | 2+ | 8 |
xVariableName | String | The name of the column with data if Observations. | Any string. | "X" |
Added January, 2019
Name | Type | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
identifierVariableName | String | The name of the column identifying location of each observation on the X axis. | Any string. | "" |
Other Public Methods For Statistical Control Charts
Name | Description | Arguments | Return Value |
double getAverageSubgroupSize() | Returns the average number of data values in a subgroup. | None. | Average size. |
int getBeyondLimitsChart1(int section) | Returns the number of points beyond the control limits. | Section number (0-4). | Number of points. |
int getBeyondLimitsChart2(int section) | Returns the number of points beyond the control limits. | Section number (0-4). | Number of points. |
double getCenterlineChart1(int section) | Returns the center line of the first chart. | Section number (0-4). | Centerline. |
double getCenterlineChart2(int section) | Returns the center line of the second chart. | Section number (0-4). | Centerline. |
double getCp(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getCpk(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getCpkLower(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getCpkUpper(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getCpm(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getCr(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
void getDataChart1(double xbar[n]) | Returns the data plotted on the first chart. | Double output array. | Mean values. |
void getDataChart2(double r[n]) | Returns the data plotted on the second chart. | Double output array. | Range or sigma values. |
double getK(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getLCLChart1(int section) | Returns the lower control limit of the first chart. | Section number (0-4). | LCL. |
double getLCLChart2(int section) | Returns the lower control limit of the second chart. | Section number (0-4). | LCL. |
int getNumberOfSections() | Returns the number of sections in the charts for which separate limits were calculated. | None. | Number of sections. |
int getNumberOfSubgroups() | Returns the number of subgroups with data. | None. | Number of subgroups. |
double getPp(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getPpk(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getPpkLower(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getPpkUpper(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getPr(int section) | Returns the estimated capability index. | Section number (0-4). | Capability index. |
double getProcessMean(int section) | Returns the estimated process mean. | Section number (0-4). | Mean. |
double getProcessSigma(int section) | Returns the estimated process standard deviation. | Section number (0-4). | Sigma. |
double getUCLChart1(int section) | Returns the upper control limit of the first chart. | Section number (0-4). | UCL. |
double getUCLChart2(int section) | Returns the upper control limit of the second chart. | Section number (0-4). | UCL. |
int getUnusualRunsChart1(int section) | Returns the number of points identified as unusual runs. | Section number (0-4). | Number of points. |
int getUnusualRunsChart2(int section) | Returns the number of points identified as unusual runs. | Section number (0-4). | Number of points. |
Name | Description |
Chart1Data | The data values for the location control chart. |
Chart2Data | The data values for the dispersion control chart, if any. |
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The Plains, Virginia
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